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A Shape That Has 9 Sides: An Exploration In Geometry

Maths homework….. Hoyland Common Primary School
Maths homework….. Hoyland Common Primary School from hoylandcommonprimary.co.uk

Geometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of shapes, sizes, positions, and angles. In geometry, there are various types of shapes with different numbers of sides, each with unique properties and characteristics.

The Enneagon: Definition and Properties

One of the most interesting shapes in geometry is the enneagon, which is a polygon with nine sides and nine angles. It is also known as the nonagon, as well as the nine-sided polygon. The properties of an enneagon are fascinating, and they make it a unique shape in the world of geometry.

Construction of an Enneagon

There are different ways to construct an enneagon, but one of the simplest methods involves using a compass and a straightedge. To construct an enneagon, draw a circle with any radius, and then divide the circumference of the circle into nine equal parts. From each point of division, draw a line tangent to the circle, and extend each line until they meet. The resulting shape is an enneagon.

Properties of an Enneagon

An enneagon has nine vertices, nine sides, and nine angles. The sum of the interior angles of an enneagon is 1260 degrees, and each angle measures approximately 140 degrees. The circumcircle of an enneagon passes through all its vertices, and its inradius is the perpendicular distance from the center of the enneagon to any of its sides.

Applications of Enneagons

Enneagons have various applications in different fields. In architecture, enneagons are used as the basis for designing nine-sided buildings, such as the Enneagonal Tower in Italy. In art, enneagons are used as the basis for creating nonagonal patterns, such as in Islamic art and architecture. In science, enneagons are used in the study of crystal structures, such as the enneagonal prism.

Enneagons in History

The study of enneagons has a rich history dating back to ancient Greece. The Greek mathematician Euclid discussed the properties of enneagons in his book "Elements," which is considered to be one of the most influential works in the history of mathematics. The enneagon was also used in various rituals and ceremonies by ancient cultures, such as the Aztecs and the Egyptians.

Enneagons in Popular Culture

The enneagon has also gained popularity in modern popular culture. In the video game "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time," the enneagon is used as the basis for the Triforce symbol, which is a prominent feature in the game's storyline. The enneagon has also been referenced in various movies and TV shows, such as "The X-Files" and "Doctor Who."


In conclusion, the enneagon is a fascinating shape in the world of geometry, with unique properties and applications. From its construction to its applications in various fields, the enneagon has a rich history and continues to be relevant in modern times. Its significance in popular culture reinforces its importance in society and highlights the importance of geometry in our lives.

  • https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Nonagon.html
  • https://www.britannica.com/topic/nonagon
  • https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/nonagon

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