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How Many Distinct Diagonals Does An Octagon Have?

How many diagonals are there in octagon? Quora
How many diagonals are there in octagon? Quora from www.quora.com

Geometry is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of shapes, sizes, and positions of objects in space. One of the most common shapes that students encounter in geometry is the octagon, which is an eight-sided polygon. In this article, we will explore the question of how many distinct diagonals an octagon has.

Defining Diagonals

Before we dive into the number of distinct diagonals an octagon has, let's first define what diagonals are. Diagonals are line segments that connect two non-adjacent vertices of a polygon. In an octagon, there are eight vertices, so there are many possible diagonals that can be drawn.

The Formula for Counting Diagonals

One way to determine the number of diagonals in an octagon is to use a formula. The formula for counting diagonals in any polygon is:

D = n(n-3)/2

Where D is the number of diagonals and n is the number of sides of the polygon. For an octagon, n = 8, so we can plug in the numbers and get:

D = 8(8-3)/2 = 20

Counting Diagonals by Hand

Another way to determine the number of diagonals in an octagon is to count them by hand. We can start by drawing an octagon and labeling its vertices. From each vertex, we can draw a diagonal to every other non-adjacent vertex. This means that each vertex can connect to five other vertices, so we need to multiply this by the number of vertices:

8 vertices x 5 diagonals per vertex = 40 diagonals

However, we have counted each diagonal twice (once from each endpoint), so we need to divide by two:

40 diagonals / 2 = 20 diagonals

This matches the result we got from using the formula, so we know that we have counted correctly.

Distinct Diagonals

So far, we have been talking about the total number of diagonals in an octagon. However, the question specifically asks for the number of distinct diagonals. A distinct diagonal is a diagonal that is not parallel or coincident with any of the other diagonals.

If we draw an octagon and start connecting non-adjacent vertices, we will notice that some diagonals are parallel or coincident with each other. For example, the diagonal connecting vertex 1 to vertex 7 is parallel to the diagonal connecting vertex 2 to vertex 8. These diagonals are not distinct because they are essentially the same line.

By counting the parallel and coincident diagonals, we can subtract them from the total number of diagonals to get the number of distinct diagonals. In an octagon, there are three pairs of parallel diagonals and two coincident diagonals, for a total of eight non-distinct diagonals:

  • Diagonals 1-7 and 2-8 are parallel
  • Diagonals 1-8 and 2-7 are parallel
  • Diagonals 3-5 and 4-6 are parallel
  • Diagonal 1-5 is coincident with diagonal 3-7
  • Diagonal 2-6 is coincident with diagonal 4-8

Therefore, the number of distinct diagonals in an octagon is:

20 total diagonals - 8 non-distinct diagonals = 12 distinct diagonals


In conclusion, an octagon has 20 total diagonals but only 12 distinct diagonals. Diagonals are line segments that connect two non-adjacent vertices of a polygon. We can count diagonals by using a formula or by counting them by hand. To determine the number of distinct diagonals, we need to subtract the number of parallel and coincident diagonals from the total number of diagonals.

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